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How 3D Technologies contribute to efficiency of Anatomy Teaching

Join us August 27, 2024 at 9.30 AM
Faculte de Medicine Dentaire de Monastir
Smart Room of Anatomy Laboratory
Challenges in Anatomy teaching according to universities worlwide
  • Shortage of cadaver material
    90% Universities worldwide experience shortage of cadaver material
  • Decreasing student involvement and focus on the learning process
    "Z Generation" expects to use mobile, 3D and AI technologies in their work and studies
  • Combined teaching and learning format
    Partial transfer to a distant teaching and learning format after COVID era
  • Lack of funding and motivated professionals
    Declining prestige of morphological disciplines
During the event we shall discuss how 3D Technologies today enhance efficiency of anatomy teaching and medical education
How one 3D solution can be used in various scenarios

  • Use In-class: connect to a projector or external monitors
  • Cadaver Lab / Workshops: for theoretical and practical work in micro and macro groups
  • Anatomy contests and competitions: grow prestige of anatomy department and university with anatomy and surgery contests
  • Advance training courses: efficient use in post graduate, CME/CPD courses, simulation centers
Pirogov Interactive Anatomy